Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Portfolio 5

Brain mapping allows scientist to understand the complexities surrounding our brains. Brain mapping is the key to finding a cure for many of our mental illnesses. Brain imaging on patients suffering from mental illness would allow scientist to understand the roots causes of their illness. For example, brain imaging has shown that schizophrenic patients lose matter in the temporal and prefrontal cortex over time. This finding may lead to scientist in working towards an effective cure to prevent specific brain matter from faltering. In addition, brain mapping also lead to the possibility of “mind reading”, which is particularly helpful to law enforcement agencies. The ability to read the mind of a potential perpetrator allows law enforcers to take pre-emptive measures to deter acts of crime. The potential of brain mapping is tremendous as it could lead to a safe and secured society, where crime is unheard of. Imagine a suspect in the future gets caught immediately because his brain shows a potential law breaker. However, brain mapping technology may be opened to abuse and it raises several ethical questions. If I was a researcher in brain mapping, I would recommend to the authorities to introduce legislation that restricts access to this technology. In addition, I would also recommend the setting up of a regulatory body to ensure that the technology is applied to specific causes that requires special attention, such as mental illnesses like depression. I would also recommend to the authorities that nations who buy over the rights to this technology, sign into an agreement that holds them responsible if there is unethical abuse of brain mapping.


khoose said...

Hi Azhari,
You have completed all 5 Portfolio tasks. Good work. All the very best for the exam, and remember to keep on working on improving your English. Read as much as you can, and take note not just of the content but also of the way that different writers write for different purposes.

By the way, referring to Portfolio Task 3: you are not at all long-winded in your Portfolio pieces. This contrasts with you formal essays. Perhaps you are more comfortable in informal pieces like the Portfolio, so you write more naturally. But the structure that you have been taught for formal essays is meant to HELP you express yourself more systematically. Learn to see this structure as an aid, not a hindrance, and perhaps you'll be more at ease.

Good luck!
Ms Khoo :)

khoose said...

Sorry, I meant Portfolio Task 4, not Portfolio 3.

And I meant "your formal essays" not "you formal essay" (in paragraph 2 of my first comment). Sorry for the typo!