Thursday, October 30, 2008

Portfolio 4

In my recent essay, I discovered that I have weak grammar skills that are usually related with tenses. In addition, I also found that I tend to be long-winded in articulating my thoughts in the essay.
Grammar skills take time to improve and reading helps to improve on our grammar skills. However, it is also important to place emphasis on how we communicate with our peers. I have come to realise that I do not pay much attention to the tenses when speaking to my peers. In addition, my conversation is usually consists of a wrong sentence structure. For example, when I had a problem answering a question, I would had asked my friend in the following manner, “This question very hard. Can teach how to do?” An appropriate use of the language would be; “I find this question quite difficult. Can you teach me?” Hence, when we used the correct form of words in our conversation, we could avoid mistakes in writing our essay.
I also tend to be long-winded when it comes to writing an essay. I guessed this is due to several reasons. Firstly, the lack of direction in my essay that compels me to use more words to express an opinion. Secondly, I assumed that by using more words, you express your ideas clearly to your reader. However, this is often not the case. Being long-winded tends to confuse your readers and in addition, you tend to use the wrong form of grammar in your sentence. I also learn that you need to exactly know what kind ideas or opinions you want to present to your reader in a sentence. Hence, we can avoid irrelevant words or structure that we used in our sentence.
To conclude, we can avoid grammar mistakes in our essay by reading and using proper forms of English in our daily conversation. It is also important to ensure that your essay should not be long winded as it contributes to more grammar mistakes and it confuses your readers.

1 comment:

Hong En said...

I agree with you that being long-winded in our essay confuses our readers. We are also more prone to make more mistakes when our sentences are long-winded. Thus, we need to practice being concise in writing our essays to prevent confusion among the readers.